I'm trying to export a webpage containing several charts(Using secure ImagePipes), to PDF format. Essentially what I am doing is overriding the page's "Render" function.
"Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)"
And then convert the page to a file stream using ABCPdf afterwhich I email the PDF.
Recreating this should be an easy enough task.
The problem is that the charts only provide me with an "Access Denied" error. When not using image pipes, (ie; creating the chart directly on the page) the chart images sometimes didn't load and left certain sections blank, which is why I switched to ImagePipes in an attempt to remedy it.
I have updated to the latest version of Infragistics, made sure that the folder containing the ImagePipe has the correct access rights and attempted several other methods, all of which have failed me.
If you need further information, please reply to this post and I will respond as promtly as possible.
Please reply to this message.
I'm in need of URGENT help.
Hello Jaco,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
Can you please let me know what type of deployment scenario are you using
If you are using Session-Based Deployment scenario you can experience issues when server Page Caching is on; the result can be an occasional "Access Denied" message, where a browser refresh is needed.
Hope hearing from you
As I said, I'm using ImagePipes(Session).
And yes, that is where I get the "Access Denied Message"
Previously when I used FileSystem, I had some problems when creating a FileStream of the webpage and saving it as a PDF. Some of the Chart Images didn't display.
The assumption was that saving the FileStream executed too quickly, not giving enough time for the images to finish loading. I was hoping using ImagePipes would solve this problem, but only ran into another problem, "Access Denied"
Hello evalex,
Thank you for your update.
I am not aware of the cause of the issue when DeploymentScenario = FileSystem
We can investigate the issue further if you provide us with an isolated sample.
I can recommend you using the approach in the below links from online documentation if it is convinient for you.
Hope hearing from you.
In other words there is no way to circumvent this problem by somehow duplicating the session of the browser and emulating it in the filestream?
This poses a bit of a problem.
I don't suppose you have any idea why then using the FileSystem method would cause some of the images to not load into the filestream, beyond the required time delay? Although I suppose that problem is rather basic and doesn't have anything to do with the infragistics tools.
This is expected behavior.
When the browser makes its request for that IMG element, the SecureImagePipe page will load, sending the image to a stream. The image is then available for display in the client browser.
So rendering the page you should not experience issues.
ImagePipePageName strams the chart image data securely from the server to the browser.
Please let me know if you have further questions
If I render the web-page, the image loads correctly, but when I convert the page to a FileStream and save it as a file, I get Access Denied.