Using 11.2 Ultimate.
I created a style library using the RubberBlack styleset and made some modifications.
I saved the style library (.wsl).
I want to incorporate it into my entire web site using web.config.
How do I do that? I added "styleSetLibrary" as an attribute on the "infragistics.web" section (I guessed at the name) but that didn't seem to work.
Please don't ask me to go to "Tools/Application Styling Configuration 11.2" because I get the error "Your solution needs to have a t least on Web site with a "Web.config" file to user the Application ....".
I do have a web.config file, that tool worked at one point, now it doesn't. My project is a web app, not web site BTW.
Please advise.
Thank you,
Hello Mike,
The property you are looking for is the styleSetName property of infragistics.web.
<infragistics.web styleSetName="RubberBlack"
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Hi, Mike.
No, that's not what I'm looking for.
My post asked "how do I incorporate a custom .wsl library into my app?"
Not a styleset, a style library.
Please re-read my post.