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have problems using the WebDropDown control.

I have problems using the WebDropDown control.
When they are over 1000 items ... when I click it to any control on my webform I mark Invalid operation given the current state of the object.

This error only when I susede over 1000 items if you are 1000 or less exactly no problem.

¿Is there any limitation on the number of items that can be loaded to WebDropDown.???

¿What I can do to carry more than 1000 items in the WebDropDown.???

I'm using
  * VS 2008. professional
   * Infragistic 2010 V3
   * Framework 3.5
   * Windows Server 2003


  • 37874
    Verified Answer

    Hi HalconDivino,


    I made some research on the matter and the issue seems to be caused by recent Microsoft update, which limits the size of JSON keys collection to 1000 by default. This could be changed by setting the MaxJsonDeserializerMembers to a larger value:




        <add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="1500" />




    More information on the matter can be found in the following thread:


    Please let me know if this helps.

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