In server side code I have tried to retrieve the index of the select row but always get a null reference error on the statement to get the index. Here is the code that I have been tryying (with debut ptint statements to try and find the problem.
When I look at the e.CurrentSelectedRows in Quick Watch it shows there is a count of 1.
protected void gridCompany_RowSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectedRowEventArgs e)
Int32 ri = 0;
if (e.CurrentSelectedRows != null)
if (e.CurrentSelectedRows[0] == null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Current selected row[0] is null but count is {0}", e.CurrentSelectedRows.Count);
// never hit this
// if not checking for null, this raises null reference error
ri = e.CurrentSelectedRows[0].Index;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Active row index {0}", ri);
// this raises error
ri = gridCompany.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows[0].Index;
Guid companyGuid = Guid.Parse(gridCompany.Rows[ri].DataKey.ToString());
One more piece of information.
When I put a breakpoint before the statement that is trying to get the index of the selected row and I look at the e.CurrentSelectedRows in Quick View I do see the value of the selected row index in "_idPairs[1].value" and the "Key" of _idPairs[1] is the index of the selected record on the page.
I have tried with with EnableDataViewState set to true and false and they both work the same way. In all cases the EnableViewState for the grid itself is true.
Thanks - NormD
Hi Georgi,
I may have stumbled onto this. If I saved the initial dataset for the grid to a cache location and then re-bind that cached dataset to the grid during the RowSelectionChanged() event, I can retrieve the value of the row index OK.
This seems like an unnecessary performance hit and resource requirement. What in the recommended method by Infragistics - using a server side event like this or using a client side event to get the data key from the row and pas it back to a server method. What I am doing in this particular page is synchronizing 2 different grids but their data sources are not "static" so there are constructed in cod (not in the page XML).
Hi Norm,
Can you try this to retrieve the index of the selected row:
This is in case that you have
<ig:Selection RowSelectType="Single" Enabled="true" >
<AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="True" />
I hope this helps.
For any further questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Georgi Sashev
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Casting the e.CurrentSelectedRows[0] to a ControlDataRecord worked like a champ.
Thanks - NormD.