i have just started working with UltraWebGrid of Infragestic
kindly inform me
1) how can i add delete button in grid
2) on delete button click which event should be used to delete record
Is there any sample for beginer like me just for start up
many thanks
kindly tell me 1 more thing
how to add delete button in UltraWebGrid of Infragestic
( i have to wind up my task its existing project feature)
Hi qasimidl,
Thank you for your reply.
In this scenario I suggest that you either use a UltraWebGridColumn of type "Button", which is demonstrated at:
or alternatively, define a templated column, as illustrated at:
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
by using this link
thanks for your support and cooperate
You can handle both the click event of your templated button and the ItemCommand event of the grid to achieve your requirement.
Below is some sample code for accessing the grid Row in such a scenario where a templated control raised an event:
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.