I have a webexplorerbar placed in a Master page like menu in left side.On NavigateUrl i assigned path to the new page.
After clikcing the Menuitem (postback) the explorerbar is expanded item goes to the initial state(Collapses all the items except the first one)
Hello Rafael,Please take a look at the attached sample. Is your scenario the same? When you make a postback the WEB should keep its expandion. If the newly loaded page is the same or any other Load function will be called as not postback and will render the controls with their default properties.
Thank you for quick reply.
I treid with your sample but when click on the PostBack Menuitem eveything collapse back.But not with other menu items (Item).
The version i am using
Assembly="Infragistics4.Web.v11.2, Version=11.2.20112.1019
Hello Rafael,
You are facing this behavior because you navigate to a new URL which is actually the same page. For this page you will get all the events from the start including load. This will render you the page from the beginning with all the WebExplorerBar collapsed as they should be. Is your scenario the same? What is your navigate URL of the items? If you add an ordinary ASP button under the WebExplorerBar and press it in order to make a postback the WebExlorerBar will remain expanded which is expected behavior too.
Hello Rafael,Thank you for sharing your experience with the whole community. Anyone having the same issue could benefit from this forum thread. We appreciate your feedback.
Hi Nikifor,
I solved the problem with Javacript postback(only if child item is clicked) from the ItemClicked client side event.
Its always better to keep all the functionalities of the old controls in the new controls.So that we don't have look for workarounds.
Currently we do not provide such a functionality like the one from this properties. If you want I could log you a Product idea about this functionality.
Thanks for your help.
I am trying to achive through setting expanded list in Session.
In UltraWebListbar we were able to disable the post back event for the GroupHeader item
AutoPostBack ItemClicked="true" GroupClicked="False" GroupCollapsed="False" GroupExpanded="False" />
Do we have anything similar in WebExplorerBar.
Hello Rafael,Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.