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TemplateField with either HyperLink or Label


i have a WebDataGrid and one of this columns should contain either a HyperLink or a Label depending on the type of item. So, if it is a "Folder" then a HyperLink should be shown and the user should drill-down to the next level in folder hierarchy. In case of a "File" i would only have a Label.

I converted the boundfield into a template view. But at design time i could only add both controls.

Has anyone a sample how to do this?

Thank you


  • 37874

    Hello Stumpy74,


    I would suggest that you handle the InitializeRow event and depending on your condition hide or show the Label or HyperLink. You can access template controls using the following syntax:


    ((Label)e.Row.Items[1].FindControl("Label1")).Visible = false;


    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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