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WebExplorer bar Image button click

I have added the webExplorebar in my page, Below is my code















<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server" Width="260px" ViewStateMode="Enabled" StyleSetName ="ElectricBlue"><Groups><ig:ExplorerBarGroup Text="Group 1" Expanded










<ig:ExplorerBarItem SelectedCssClass="selExItem">









<user Control>














I have set  GroupExpandAction="HeaderClick" and AutoPostBackFlags ItemClick :Off and ItemSelected:off

When I click on the header  without any postback the usercontrol items are expanding but when i click on the button image(down arrow and up arrow) i am getting the 403 error and it is doing the postback and redirecting to /usercontrol/# page. Please need help when i click on the image also without postback it should expand.

  • 49378

    Hi KarthikaSubbiah,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    From what I can understand your requirement is not to initiate a postback when clicking on the image button contained in the templated user control. This may be achieved by setting the OnClientClick handler of the image button to return false, effectively cancelling postback.

    Please let me know if this helps.

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