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WebExplorer bar Image button click

I have added the webExplorebar in my page, Below is my code















<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server" Width="260px" ViewStateMode="Enabled" StyleSetName ="ElectricBlue"><Groups><ig:ExplorerBarGroup Text="Group 1" Expanded










<ig:ExplorerBarItem SelectedCssClass="selExItem">









<user Control>














I have set  GroupExpandAction="HeaderClick" and AutoPostBackFlags ItemClick :Off and ItemSelected:off

When I click on the header  without any postback the usercontrol items are expanding but when i click on the button image(down arrow and up arrow) i am getting the 403 error and it is doing the postback and redirecting to /usercontrol/# page. Please need help when i click on the image also without postback it should expand.

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