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Hitting enter while editing exits edit mode.

Step#1 - A user sees a Infragistics 11.2 webdatagrid in batch mode.

Step #2 - A user clicks on a cell to edit some data.

Step #3 - The user enters some text on the keyboard and hits enter.

Step #4 - The user tries to keep typing but the edit mode has exited. Is there a setting to keep the cell in edit mode and save the cr/lf from the pressed enter key in the data?


p.s. c#, .net 3.5, webdatagrid, BatchUpdating="True"

No Data
  • 8160


    as far as I can understand you don't want to exit from edit mode after press Enter.

    Option #1: Handle ExitingEditMode client event and cancel it if Enter is pressed:

          function WebDataGrid1_CellEditing_ExitingEditMode(sender, eventArgs) {
                if (eventArgs.get_browserEvent().keyCode == 13) {

    Option #2: Use TextBoxProvider, this will allow you to enter multi line text. I recommend you to use this option

                <ig:TextBoxProvider ID="WebDataGrid1_TextBoxProvider1" EditorControl-TextMode="MultiLine">
                    <EditorControl ClientIDMode="Predictable" ></EditorControl>

    Let me know if you need further assistance
