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Web DataTree Scrolls when checkbox Checked in Chrome


I an using webdatatree which binds 200+ nodes.The problem is that whenever i scroll the tree to middle and check the  checkbox of the webdatatree it scrolls to the top.

Can any one provide me the solution.


Thanks in  Advance.


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  • 29417
    Offline posted

    Hello anilkoomar,


    Thank you for posting in our forum.


    I’ve tested this in the basic release of 12.1(12.1.20121.1005)  and didn’t come across a similar issue while using the CheckBoxMode of the WebDataTree.

    Could you let me know which version of our controls you’re currently using and whether you’re encountering this issue in a particular browser and if so in which of its versions?

    Also if you’re using the checkbox mode as well or if you’re using item template to create the checkboxes.


    I’m attaching the sample I tested on for your reference. Let me know if you notice any different settings between my sample and the ones you have for your data tree.


    I’m looking forward to your reply.


    Best Regards,

    Maya Kirova

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
