I am using 11.2 v2125 webdatagrid with a dropdown provider. It works throughout my site except on 1 page I have. In development it works everywhere but on production there is one page that when clicking on the cell the dropdown provider will not display. It acts as though there is no dropdown provider and displays the text editor.
This page has 2 grids; one with a dropdown provider that works and another with a dropdown provider that won't show. It does not work in Chrome, IE, Safari, or Firefox.
I finally traced it down to switching IE9 to compatibility mode will display the dropdown provider. Any clue as to what is going on here? The dropdown provider is wired just like all the other ones that I am using and have been using for months without a problem.
Hello sperna,
Please let me know if you have any questions.
No questions... but this is definitely a bug. It popped up again on another page I was working on and "the fix" worked. Somewhere client side there must be a hardcoded reference to WebDataGrid(n)_Dropdownprovider(n) when displaying a dropdown provider.
If you look at my next post to the thread I realized it does occur in production and in development. The example I provided exposes the bug.
Hello Steve,
Thank you for the update.
I see that the issue occurs in production and not in development. It is possible that the application may be affected by an upgrade or changes in the production server. I also suggest revisiting the application's deployment.
I hope this helps.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Hi Vivian,
The example that I provided in the begining of this thread duplicates the issue.