I have a whdg with one child column defined as an itemtemplate to contain hyperlinks.
If there are 4 hyperlinks in one row . How can I get each of them to appear on different lines like:
instead of all of them on the same line(which is how its currently being rendered )
Currently the data for that column comes back as:
In order to achieve this functionality, you could modify the aspx file in the markup and add <br> tags like this:
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Thanks for looking at this.
Since its been a year that I asked this question. Here is what I did at the time to get it working:
<iggrid:TemplateDataField Key="ReferenceColumn" Hidden="True">
<asp:Panel ID="explink" runat="server" >
<Header Text="Reference" />
Code behind in InitializeRowEvent:
string[] link;
string itemId;
string linkURL;
string refText = e.Row.Items.FindItemByKey("ReferenceColumn").Value.ToString();
if (refText.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) > 0)
foreach (string refLink in refText.Split(new string[] { System.Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None))
if (refLink.Trim().Length > 0 && refLink.IndexOf("|") > 0)
link = refLink.Split("|".ToCharArray());
itemId = link[0].Replace("XX-ING-ADV:", "");
linkURL = CriticalWatch.HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl("~/ListView.aspx", "OU=" + ou + "&ItemId=" + itemId);
var panellink = ((Panel)e.Row.Items.FindItemByKey("ReferenceColumn").FindControl("explink"));
HyperLink h =new HyperLink();
h.NavigateUrl ="BLOCKED SCRIPTopenPopupWindow('" + linkURL + "','newwin',500,500,'yes');";
h.Text = linkURL +"</br>";
if (refText.Trim().Length > 0)
if (refText.IndexOf("|") > 0)
link = refText.Split("|".ToCharArray());