Im Using Infragistice 11.2 3.5 c#
Can anyone provide sample code for code behind page to export data from a Sql Server dataset to a Table in an MSword document. Or is there a better way to do this?
Hi bridsimon,
Is this issue a workaround you are looking into for the issue we are working through in this thread? If so, I would like to focus this on the other thread.
Please let me know if you have any questions with this.
Hi Actually ideally I would like sample code for code behind page to export data from a Sql Server dataset to a Table in an MSword document using Infragistics library! I working in Visual studios 2008 Infragistics 11.2.20112.2176 and c#
The thread above is actually a work around to this issue! I could not find any help anywhere on exporting data from a dataset to a table in word. The closests thing to it was the thread above on exporting a webdata grid to a table in word.
Any example code would be very gratefully recieved.
Thanks Michael!