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ASP WebSlider with 3 Thumbs

I would like to inquire whether or not infragistics has a webslider control that can hold three thumbs instead of just the two.

I've seen examples of this in Silverlight and NetAdvantage for WindowsMobile(See Attached), but have yet to find a way to accomplish this in ASP.Net.

Thank you

Mobile and Silverlight

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  • 17590
    Offline posted

    Hello Stefan Weyers,

    You are correct that currently the WebSlider control does not allow the use of more than 2 thumbs. I have therefore logged a product idea on your behalf regarding this functionality being added in the future. Your idea has been sent to our product management team which chooses new product ideas based on popular feedback from our customer base. Infragistics continues to monitor applications development for all of our products, so as trends appear in requested features, we can plan accordingly.

    We value your input, and our philosophy is to enhance our toolset based on cutomer feedback. Your reference number for this product idea is PI13010006.

    If you would like to follow up on your product idea at a later point, you may contact Developer Support management vie email. Please include the reference number of your product idea in the subject and body of you email message. You can reach Developer Support management thtough the following email address:

    Thank you for your request.


