Hi all!
I have a strange behaviour of the tooltips on a Ultrachart.Item Values: Jannuary, February, March
Coresspondening Tooltip (mouse over): Jannuary, Jannuary, March.
So the Tooltip for February is displayed with the data from Jannauyr (see pic).
The genereated code in the aspx page:
script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_IsLoaded = false;
function ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_pRcEv(event, this_ref,row,column,event_name, layer_id)
if (ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_IsLoaded)
event, "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1", "onallevent", [this_ref, row, column, event_name, layer_id]);
function ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_BaseMove(e)
var ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1 = null;
function Initializectl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1()
var TD = new Array(3);
"00_0_2"] = "March: 6.126.267 kos";
"00_0_1"] = "February: 6.089.362 kos";
"00_0_1"] = "January: 6.700.380 kos";
var ED = new Array(3);
"00_0_2"] = "0&2&6126267&CO2Savings&March&00";
"00_0_1"] = "0&1&6089362&CO2Savings&February&00";
"00_0_1"] = "0&1&6700380&CO2Savings&January&00";
var TOOLTIP = IGB.GetObject("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_IGTooltip");
if (TOOLTIP != null) if (TOOLTIP.style != null) with (TOOLTIP.style) {
align =
borderBottomWidths =
border =
"Black 1px outset";
backgroundColor =
color =
textDecorationUnderline =
textDecorationLineThrough =
textDecorationOverline =
fontStyle =
fontWeight =
fontSize =
fontFamily =
margins =
height =
width =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1 =
new IGUltraChart("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1", "ChartImages", "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$UltraChart1");
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.TooltipOverflow =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.TooltipData = TD;
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.EventData = ED;
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.RowCount = 1;
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.ColumnCount = 3;
new IGRectangle(63, 40, 826, 218 )]);
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.EnableTooltipFading =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.TooltipDisplay = 1;
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.EnableCrossHair =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.EnableServerEvent =
false, false, false, true, false, new IGRectangle(5, 33, 890, 267 )]);
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.DEBUG =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1.Section508Compliant =
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UltraChart1_IsLoaded =
You can see it live: http://www.imscargo.com/content/en/greenlogistics/environmentprotection/carbonfootprint.aspx
Any ideas?
Hello polfi ,
I have been looking into your code still I am not sure how do you populate the chart data. Could you please provide me with a small sample where the issue presents so I can investigate it further.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the late reply.
What I try to show you is, that the tooltips are wrong.In the copied code you can see, that the tooltips were created OK, but on the webpage they are displaying wrong.
Go to http://www.imscargo.com/content/en/greenlogistics/environmentprotection/carbonfootprint.aspx and hoover over the bar's, you can see, that the tooltips for Jan. and Feb. are the same.
Hello polfi,
Thank you for the link. I succeeded in reproducing the issue that you mentioned with it, still believe that the mentioned behavior may be caused by the approach that you use to show the WebChart, or could be specific to your data. Could you provide me with a small sample where this issue is reproducible so I could continue my research on the matter.
Code behind:
With Me.UltraChart1
.DataSource = DS
.Data.SwapRowsAndColumns =
.Data.RowLabelsColumn = 0
.Tooltips.FormatString =
"<ITEM_LABEL>: <DATA_VALUE:#,##0> kg"
.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString =
.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.
.TitleBottom.Visible =
.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Visible =
'.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.FormatString = "CO2 Einsparungen"
.TitleTop.Visible =
.TitleTop.Text =
"CO2 Einsparungen " & DatePart(DateInterval.Year, Now) & " in Kg"
.TitleTop.HorizontalAlign = Drawing.
.TitleBottom.Text =
"Letztes Update " & FormatDateTime(DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, Now), DateFormat.ShortDate) & " (c) " & DatePart(DateInterval.Year, Now) & " IMS"
' CHartpfad setzen!
'.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = "\ChartImages"
End With
Data source is a Dataset.
<igchart:UltraChart ID="UltraChart1" runat="server"
EmptyChartText="Data Not Available. Please call UltraChart.Data.DataBind() after setting valid Data.DataSource"
Height="326px" Version="12.1" Width="900px" BackgroundImageFileName="">
<Border Thickness="0" />
<Data SwapRowsAndColumns="True" UseRowLabelsColumn="True" ZeroAligned="True">
<TitleTop Font="Calibri, 18pt">
<TitleBottom Font="Verdana, 7.25pt" FontColor="80, 80, 80">
ColorModel ModelStyle="LinearRange" ColorBegin="LightGreen" ColorEnd="Green"
PE ElementType="None" Fill="Cornsilk"></PE>
X Visible="True" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="0"
MajorGridLines Visible="True" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="Gainsboro" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MajorGridLines>
MinorGridLines Visible="False" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="LightGray" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MinorGridLines>
Labels ItemFormatString="<ITEM_LABEL>" Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing">
SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Center"
VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" Visible="False">
Layout Behavior="Auto"></Layout>
Y Visible="True" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="20"
<Far Value="14.000000000000002" />
Labels ItemFormatString="<DATA_VALUE:#,##0>" Font="Verdana, 7pt"
FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Far" VerticalAlign="Center"
SeriesLabels HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal"></SeriesLabels>
Y2 Visible="False" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="20">
Labels ItemFormatString="<DATA_VALUE:00.##>" Visible="False" Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Gray" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Gray" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing">
X2 Visible="False" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="0">
Labels ItemFormatString="<ITEM_LABEL>" Visible="False" Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Gray" HorizontalAlign="Far" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing">
SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Gray" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
Z Visible="False" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="0">
Labels ItemFormatString="" Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="DimGray" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
Z2 Visible="False" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="0">
Labels ItemFormatString="" Visible="False" Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Gray" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
<Tooltips Font-Bold="False" Font-Italic="False" Font-Overline="False"
Font-Strikeout="False" Font-Underline="False"
FormatString="<ITEM_LABEL>: <DATA_VALUE:#,##0>"
Overflow="ChartArea" />
<DeploymentScenario FilePath="Chartimages" />
Thank you for sharing your code. I succeeded in reproducing the mentioned issue and I believe that it is caused because of the following setting:
In order to resolve it you could just set this property to false. Then you can reduce the space between the columns by setting SeriwsSpacing and ColumnSpacing properties:
<ColumnChart SeriesSpacing="0" ColumnSpacing="0" />
Please note that we have already fixed this behavior internally and the resolution for it should be included in our next service release.
If you need any additional information on this matter please do not hesitate to ask.
The service release containing the fix for your issue is out, you can download it from: https://ko.infragistics.com/my-account/keys-and-downloads/
I'd be glad to receive a feedback on the outcome.
I have verified that this is a known issue and it has already been fixed internally, so I have created a new private support ticket for you: CAS-113003-Z8Z9Y2 and I have linked it to issue 135078. This way you could be automatically notified as soon as the service release containing the resolution for this behavior is out.
You can view the status of the development issue connected to case CAS-113003-Z8Z9Y2 by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing this case on the web site:
Please let me know if you need any additional information on this matter.
For better understanding, belo is the Querryresult from the database:
Monatname CO2Savings
January 6700537
February 6082804
March 6410961
SwapRowsAndColumns="False" will now change the Axis-Labels from the monthname to CO2SAVINGS (this is the columnname) and also the Tooltips Labels to CO2SAVINGS.
Only the data values are now correct.
But I don't think, that this isthe real error because only the second colum is displaying wrong, first and third colums is everything ok.....