I have hierarchical data grid with multiple children.
I easily set their SummaryColumnRow with this code for each child
SummaryRow sr = band.Behaviors.CreateBehavior(); sr.SummariesCssClass = "summaryRow"; //sr.ShowSummariesButtons = false; //to disable the buttons in header sr.ColumnSummaries.Add(csi); /csi is ColumnSummaryInfo
but the problem when i tried to set the rootTable behavior, it doesn't work
SummaryRow sr = hierarchialGrid.Behaviors.CreateBehavior(); //hierarchialGrid is grid obj in aspx hierarchialGrid.Behaviors.SummaryRow.Enabled = true; sr.SummariesCssClass = "summaryRow"; sr.ColumnSummaries.Add(csi);
here is .aspx:
<ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="hierarchialGrid" runat="server" Width="100%" EnableAjax="true" HeaderCaptionCssClass="headerCSS"> <ExpandCollapseAnimation SlideOpenDirection="Auto" SlideOpenDuration="400" SlideCloseDirection="Auto" SlideCloseDuration="400" /> </ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid>
and i'm binding data in pageLoad
hierarchialGrid.DataSource = getDataSet(); hierarchialGrid.DataBind();
//setting summary info here
hierarchi is as follows, and i'm setting summary footer for [Customers]
[Customers] > [Orders]> [Order Details]
The problem is only with the root Table/node.
I'm new to Infragistics & .net
please guide if i'm missing something.
Hi Muhammad,
You have to refer the root band of the grid as hierarchialGrid.GridView, i.e. you can use something like the following code:
hierarchialGrid.GridView.Behaviors.SummaryRow.ColumnSummaries.Add(new ColumnSummaryInfo() { ColumnKey = "Id" });
I hope this solution works for you. Please, contact me in case that you need more information.
I am migrating from UltraWebGrid to WebHierarchicalDataGrid. The problem I am facing in migration is, UltraWebGrid dosent do postback on click on expand button but WebHierarchicalDataGrid is doing a postback/Ajax call. I dont want post back on lick of expand button of WebHierarchicalDataGrid, please advice.
Ahmed Shaik
Hello ahmed,
Have you been able to resolve the issue?
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.
Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!