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UnboundCheckBoxField CellEditing ReadOnly Per-Row

I am trying to convert checkboxes within TemplateDataFields to UnboundCheckBoxFields but there is a scenario that I cannot seem to support properly.

I need to enable/disable (or show/hide) the checkboxes per-row within the grid based upon a value in the data source. I can see how I can set ReadOnly in the Behaviors/EditingCore/Behaviors/CellEditing/ColumnSettings/EditingColumnSetting, but I cannot see how to change it for each row individually.

Is this possible? Thanks!

  • 2783
    Verified Answer

    Hello Mr. Heath,

    There is no property that can accomplish what you are looking for, but you can accomplish this by setting a CSS style and hiding the checkbox on the rows which you do not want it to be displayed on. I am attaching a website that shows how this can be done. In this website the values in the CurrentEditable column (which in this example is a hidden column, but it does not have to be) controls where the checkbox for the Current column will be shown or not. This is done by assigning the myCheckDis css class to Current cell in certain rows, which is done in the InitializeRow server event of the grid.


    In order to run the attach sample please change the Infragistics dll reference in the Web.Config and ASPX files to the version that you are currently using. Currently the style directory is set in the Web.Config file to be located in "http://localhost/ig_res12.1" virtual directory, if this is not where you have your Infragisitcs styles installed please change this as well.


    Thank You,


    ASP.NET Principal Software Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
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