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Right Aligning BoundDataField in Exported PDF

I'm just trying to right align a cell in the exported PDF using the WebHierarchicalDataGrid and WebDocumentExporter - 13.1.20131.2107

Here's my column:

<ig:BoundDataField Key="Hours" DataFormatString="{0:###,##0.0}" Width="4%" DataType="System.Decimal" CssClass="numCol">
<Header Text="Hours" CssClass="right"></Header>

The numCol class just sets the text-align to right.  It works fine in the browser.

.numCol {text-align: right !important;white-space: nowrap; }

I even went so far as to try to set the report's cell alignment in all the events but they don't take.

void docExporter_GridRecordItemExported(object sender, DocumentGridRecordItemExportedEventArgs e)
	string css = e.GridCell.Column.CssClass.ToLower();
	if (css.Contains("numcol"))
		e.CellElement.Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Right;				

Any ideas?  Thanks!

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