Hi All
Does anyone know of a way to get a border across the top of the container (bottom of the tab holder) without it cutting through the active tab? Would have thought this would be a normal tab layout/design - but doesn't seem possible with their CSS classes that are available.
Setting the THContentHolder top border and the THHolder bottom border both result in a border which goes all the way across. I can live with the border going through the bottom of the non-active tabs, but it looks stupid cutting through the active tab.
See image below - border shown in red to highlight it.
Hello Marcus, I have made you a sample that shows how to handle the cutting through the active tab. In TabItemCssClasses of the WebTab just set this class:
Its tested on Chrome, Mozilla and IE and it works like a charm. Here you can see sample that shows you how to set custom styles for WebTab. Take a look at the source for the various properties you can target for different parts of the control. Thank you for posting in our forum and feel free to contact me at any time.
Hi Marcus,
I`m just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this issue. If so please let me know.
I'm glad you like the solution. If there is anything else, regarding this issue, feel free to contact me.
Hi Zdravko
Thanks for that - I like what you've done. Now to just try and get it past the style police here at work! :)
Hello Marcus,
Currently it is not possible to partially modify contents panel border. What I can suggest for achieving your requirement, not to have cutting through the active tab, is to modify the main WebTab style. I am attaching you back the CSS files after the changes I've made, illustrating my suggestion to achieve this, and hope you will like it.
Is is possible to do this without using background images? We don't use a background image on the tabs and applying this style of yours to our CSS classes does not have the same affect.
I've attached CSS files we use if you want to have a look at it - just unzip this to your ig_res folder of this project and change the StylesetName in web.config to Windows7.