I'm using Net Avdantage Asp.Net 2013 Vol 1.
In an asp.net page, I'm using the Grid view with a table.
I display data from a table, says table "Terminal".
The table include two fields which are "CompanyID" and "SiteID".
what I want is simple:
I want the user to be able to choose the companyID and then the siteID.
Of course, the siteID depends on the companyID choosen before.
How can I achieve this to work ?
The main point is how to populate the dropDownList for the SiteID with the correct values depending on the CompanyId choosen
and to make it "dynamic" when the companyID changed ?
At this time, what I have is:
DropDownProvider defined for both ID (company and site).
I've take a look at this post : http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/45774/248098.aspx
but it's no longer working with the 2013 version.
Please help me in finding few clews to solve this question
I've tried this :
EnablePostBack on the selection of the first DropDownList...
Using this, the ValueChanged event is well raised and I'm able to get the value selected and then apply it to filter the data inside the second dropDownList
but I get one drawback I don't know how to solve :
Let's say they are 3 items in the first DDL. I select the second one, event is raised, i'm able to provide the correct list for the second DDL BUT the
value selected for the first DDL (second value) is not save. What should I do to avoid this ? (I suppose the postback event erase something)
Any help to solve this "simple" problem ?
Hello Nicolas,
I'm just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this issue. If so do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for posting in our forum! I have tried the sample that you pointed and can suggest you to EnableDataViewState of the WebDataGrid (EnableViewState=True). This will give you the option to store the WebDataGrid™ control's data in ViewState. Take a look of the EnableDataViewState documentation to keep in mind some things.
I'm sending you a reference related to your issue:
If you have any further questions, please contact me.