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Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ClickEventHandler problem in Internet Explorer IE11

With IE 11 the double-click event of the UltraWebGrid does not fire.

With previous versions of Internet Explorer when the user double-click a row, it does a postback to server witch handles the event.

Can anybody help?

Parents Reply
  • 15
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Petar Ivanov

    Hello Petar Ivanov,

    We are using UltraWebGrid to display data and there is a view button to Open\Save a file. While clicking on the view in IE 10 the explorer does not not give any response. It seems the event is not firing up in IE 10 but in compatibility mode in the same IE 10, I am able to save file (Click on the View is working). But this needs to work in the normal mode and not in compatibility mode. Is there any IIS setting or any attributes that can be added in the UltraWebGrid Control on the aspx page to fire up the event.


    Jeby Mathew John

  • 15
    posted in reply to Jeby Mathew John

    Hello Petar Ivanov,

    We are using UltraWebGrid to display data and there is a view button to Open\Save a file. While clicking on the view in IE 10 the explorer does not not give any response. It seems the event is not firing up in IE 10 but in compatibility mode in the same IE 10, I am able to save file (Click on the View is working). But this needs to work in the normal mode and not in compatibility mode. Is there any IIS setting or any attributes that can be added in the UltraWebGrid Control on the aspx page to fire up the event.


    Jeby Mathew John