A Webdropdown on my contains multiple selected items. An user action causes the bespoke Webdropdown to be databound again, after which it contains a new list of items. Now i want to restore the items that were selected before this databinding, however it can be that the newly databound wdd does no longer contain items that were selected before. Thus i only want to "restore" the selection of items that are present in the newly databound wdd. How do I select these items that were selected before and select them again if they are present after databinding ?
Hello Henning,Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.There could be several implementations how to persist the DropDown selection. I have created a CodeSample and I used a session variable to store the selection. After the DataSource for the DropDown is changed on btn click, a check is made if the new DataSource matches values from the previous selection and selects all matching. I have also included another DropDown and select all values ServerSide regarding this forum post of yours. http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/85513.aspx
Thanks for your suggestions, but your select all code sample throws a null exception error for the items of the particular webdropdown when i ran it (DropDownItemCollection Items = WDD3.Items;)
Thank you for your example, is it possible to store the data on the page (hidden field for example, but can i simply the webdropdownitem ? ) instead of a session variable ? The particular selection is only valid for the page, whereas the session state is cross page.