I am looking at this example:
I have this set in the grid.
<ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true"/>
And there is no sign of a delete button? How do I get it to show?
Hello Abby Palcer,
This is a new feature in the 14.1 version.
I tried this out by creating a new web application and enabling the RowDeleting behavior in the designer. I got a message saying that it was dependent upon the Selection behavior. I allowed that to be enabled too.
When I first ran the application, no delete row button appeared. But once I set the code from the sample (Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true") it worked.
Here is the Behaviors .aspx code that was generated.
<Behaviors> <ig:EditingCore> <Behaviors> <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true" /> </Behaviors> </ig:EditingCore> <ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single"> </ig:Selection> <ig:RowSelectors> </ig:RowSelectors> </Behaviors>
I have attached a screenshot of the result. When you hover over a row, the "x" button should appear.
If you're looking for something that is always displayed, you might want to check out the Delete Rows - Basic Features sample.
Could you please try to enable the other behaviors and then hover over the row?
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
I have attached a sample project for this. Please take a look at it and let me know of the results.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Hello Abby,
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
I have investigate this issue, although I couldn't reproduce it. In the attached sample I have data on the first load of the grid, but after adding some row I am able to see the delete button, before and after the commit. This JavaScript that you use is to add the row into the grid, in order to commit this change you will need to do it like:
I have tried to create a sample nearest as possible to your explanation, could you please tell me if I am missing something from your scenario.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Ok. I am kinda there. I was missing the updated css files.
I am able to see the delete button. (Not all of the time.) When I load the grid, I data bind it to an empty list. I use a row edit template to add new rows to the grid. When I use BatchUpdating = true, the delete button only shows up after I do my first postback. Until then, I don't see the delete button.
To commit a row to the grid prior to postback, I use this javascript.
Once I postback everything runs fine. But I need to be able to delet rows prior to that.
Hi Abby,
I tried your mark-up and it still works fine for me, please take a look at the attached archive. What results are you getting, can you post screenshots of what you are seeing in my sample and in yours?
Is there a way for you to share a web-site or project that reproduces the issue so we can take a look at it? I am not sure if you are not missing either a png file or a style.
I will be waiting for your feedback.
I just updated my controls to 14.1. This is so odd. I am not getting the mouse over effect.
Here is what I currently have as my webdatagrid setup. I have trimmed out the row edit template all of my columns. Can anyone see why I can not get this feature to work?
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdExpense" StyleSetName="ElectricBlue" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" Height="400px"
EnableDataViewState="True" EnableAjax="false" OnRowAdding="ExpenseGrid_RowInserting" OnRowUpdating="ExpenseGrid_RowUpdating"
OnRowsDeleting="ExpenseGrid_RowDeleting" OnDataBound="ExpenseGrid_OnDataBound">
<ClientEvents Initialize="Grid_DataBound"/>
<ig:Filtering Enabled="true"/>
<ig:Sorting Enabled="true"/>
<ig:EditingCore AutoCRUD="False" BatchUpdating="true">
<ig:RowEditingTemplate CancelButton="cancelButton" OKButton="saveButton" >
<RowEditingClientEvents TemplateClosed="templateClosed" TemplateClosing="templateEditorClosing" TemplateOpening="templateOpening" TemplateOpened="templateOpened"/>
<EditModeActions MouseClick="Double" EnableF2="false"/>
<ig:RowAdding Alignment="Top" >
<AddNewRowClientEvents EnteringEditMode="AddRow"/>
<EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" EnableF2="False" />
<ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true" />
<EditModeActions MouseClick="None" EnableOnActive="false" EnableOnKeyPress="false" />
<ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single"/>