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how do I get the showdeletebutton on the Webdata grid to actually show?

I am looking at this example:

I have this set in the grid.

<ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true"/>

And there is no sign of a delete button? How do I get it to show?

  • 8607
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Abby Palcer,

    This is a new feature in the 14.1 version.

    I tried this out by creating a new web application and enabling the RowDeleting behavior in the designer.  I got a message saying that it was dependent upon the Selection behavior.  I allowed that to be enabled too.

    When I first ran the application, no delete row button appeared.  But once I set the code from the sample (Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true") it worked.

    Here is the Behaviors .aspx code that was generated.

    <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true" />
    <ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single">

    I have attached a screenshot of the result.  When you hover over a row, the "x" button should appear.

    If you're looking for something that is always displayed, you might want to check out the Delete Rows - Basic Features sample.

    Could you please try to enable the other behaviors and then hover over the row?

    Elizabeth Albert
    Localization Engineer 

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