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Code blocks are not supported in this context (moving from UltraWebGrid)

How would I replace the following markup code that used to work for my UltraWebGrid to work on the WebDataGrid?

I get the error Code blocks are not supported in this context even after changing this:

<igtbl:TemplatedColumn meta:resourcekey="TemplatedColumnResource3" BaseColumnName="AccountNumber" IsBound="True"
Key="AccountNumber" FooterText="" FooterTotal="Count">
<a href="BLOCKED SCRIPT void(0)"><%# Eval("AccountNumber")%></a></CellTemplate>
<Header Caption="Account Number">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="4" />
<Footer Caption="" Total="Count">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="4" />

to this:

<igtbl:TemplateDataField meta:resourcekey="TemplatedColumnResource3"
Key="AccountNumber" Footer-Text="" Header-Text="Account Number" FooterTotal="Count">
<a href="BLOCKED SCRIPT void(0)"><%# Eval("AccountNumber")%></a></ItemTemplate>

I tried changing Eval to DataBinder.Eval but same error appears.

Secondly, how to do I get the footer to display the count on the footer? Do I need to use DataTable.Compute on Page load or is there a way to do it in the markup code?


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