I am using a Bar Chart, which displays very big amount of data, almost more than 2 pages.
I am converting this Whole Web page to PDF using another tool.
Now the problem is i need to use the page break in chart at 45 th bar,does any body has idea how do i can include page break in a chart.
Thanks in advance
This may not help you any, and it has nothing to do with the chart control, but I have handled page breaks for other things using the CSS "page-break-before: always" style. Something like this:
<tr style="page-break-before: always;">
If you could get access to the style on the 46th row and inject that style into it, you may get the page break you want. There is also a page-break-after and page-break-inside style.
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the reply.
But i didn't find any properties in Ultrachart to assign the styles, that is the problem.