How to bind DropdownProvider data(List) by sever side?
By the way,i want to create a Multi-Column WebDropDown as DropdownProvider .
I bind data by OnItemsRequested event,but it didn't worked.
<EditorProviders> <ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlSOPActionCode" > <EditorControl ID="WebDropDown1" TextField="SOPActionCode" Width="150px" ValueField="SOPActionCode" OnItemsRequested="WebDropDown1_ItemsRequested" runat="server" > <DropDownItemBinding TextField="SOPActionCode" ValueField="SOPActionCode"></DropDownItemBinding> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider> </EditorProviders> <Behaviors> <ig:EditingCore BatchUpdating="true"> <EditingClientEvents CellValueChanging="uwgSOP_Editing_CellValueChanging" /> <Behaviors> <ig:CellEditing Enabled="true"> <ColumnSettings> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="SOPActionCode" EditorID="ddlSOPActionCode" /> </ColumnSettings> <CellEditingClientEvents EnteringEditMode="uwgSOP_CellEditing_EnteringEditMode"> </CellEditingClientEvents> <EditModeActions EnableOnKeyPress="True" MouseClick="Single" EnableOnActive="true" /> </ig:CellEditing> <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" /> <ig:RowAdding Alignment="Top" EditModeActions-EnableOnActive="true" EditModeActions-MouseClick="Single" Enabled="false"> <EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" EnableOnActive="True"></EditModeActions> <AddNewRowClientEvents /> </ig:RowAdding> </Behaviors> </ig:EditingCore> </Behaviors>
Thank you for contacting us.
Please refer have a look at the forum thread below where a similar requirement have been discussed.
If Peter's suggestion is not suitable for you, I have attached a small sample that is showing how to make a Multi-Column DropDownEditor provider to edit WebDataGrid cells. When item from the grid(the one nested in the DropDownprovider) is choosen all cells in the row that is being edited are taking new values, depending on the selection of the grid in the provider.
If the sample do not fulfill your requirements, could you please send me isolated sample in order to show me the issue. This will be highly appreciated.
Hello,Zdravko Kolev,
Thanks for your replay and attachment.
But i have one question:
Below code from your attachment:
function templateGrid_RowSelectionChanged(sender, e) {
////Gets reference to the WebDropDownEditorProvider var dropdown = $find("WebDataGrid1_ctl01");
//Gets the selected rows collection of the WebDataGrid var selectedRows = e.getSelectedRows(); ////Gets the row that is selected from the selected rows collection var row = selectedRows.getItem(0);
cellID = row.get_cell(0).get_value(); cellFirstName = row.get_cell(1).get_value(); cellLastName = row.get_cell(2).get_value();
////Sets the text of the value display to the first name column of the selected row dropdown.set_currentValue(row.get_cell(1).get_text(), true);