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UltraGridCell in WDG

I am upgrading from  ultrawebgrid  to webdatagrid , and  i need ti know what is the equivalent of  UltraGridCell  in WDG

UltraGridCell cell = new UltraGridCell();
cell.Value ="ABD";


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    Hello Sreevani,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    WebDataGrid control has a different architecture than its predecessor UltraWebGrid. It is a DataBound control, which means that it displays the records returned from the data source.

    Basically, cells and rows could not be added directly to the WebDataGrid. Alternatively, you could add them straight to the data source and rebind the grid. Some further reference about WebDataGrid`s data binding, supported data sources etc. could be found at:

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.
