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GridRecrodCollection to DataTable


I want to iterate the WebDataGrid.Rows collection and convert it into DataTable. I am using Infragistics V11.1 version.


foreach(GridRecrod recrod in WebDataGrid1.Rows)


          DataRowView row=(DataRowView)record;

          DataRow r=row.Row;


I want to type cast GridRecord to DataRow which I am not able to do. 

So kindly help keeping in mind that I am using v11.1 and want to convert GridRecordCollection to DataTable.

Please help me with this



  • 17590
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Man,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    Since DataRow and GridRecord are significantly different objects with very differing properties what I can suggest for achieving your requirement is creating a new DataRow object and populating it with the values from the GridRecord object.  For example:

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    DataTable tableFromGridRows = new DataTable();



    DataRow dr;

    foreach(GridRecord gr in WebDataGrid1.Rows)


    dr = tableFromGridRows.NewRow();

    dr["ID"] = gr.Items[0].Text;

    dr["Name"] = gr.Items[1].Text;




    I made a small sample project illustrating my suggestion and I am attaching it for your reference.

    In my sample on a button click I am looping trough the grid rows, I am taking cell values and I am assigning these values to a new row of type DataRow. In the end the result is a table populated with the same rows as the WebDataGrid.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance with this matter.


    Vasya Kacheshmarova

    Developer Support Engineer

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