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Attributes of WebDataMenu are not rendered to HTML code

Dear Team

I am trying to migrate an old application which uses Infragistics 2011 controls to the new version. Therefore I have to migrate the old menu controls to the new WebDataMenu. Unfortunately, the old tag property that could be used for the MenuItems has not been replaced by an alternative.

I need to pass some additions information to the Client. As the DataItem property is not written to the HTML stream, I tried the Attributes collection, which, according to the documentation, is written to the HTML stream. But in reality it isn't. at least I don't see the data tag in the resulting HTML:


DataMenuItem item = new DataMenuItem();
item.Attributes.Add("data-tag", tag);

Which leaves me with the only (but really ugly) Workaround to set the ToolTip (which will be rendered as a Title tag) or as a CSS class.

Is it really true that there is no other way?


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