IncreaseFontSize and DecreaseFontSize not working in IE 11 (Edge mode)
I was told that it is working as expected in the following post
But i am still facing the same issue.
Could anyone please confirm ?
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have done some looking into this matter and have some follow up questions concerning this matter:
What version of the Infragistics controls are you using? What service release for that version? You say you have IE11 set to Edge mode, what edge mode setting are you using?
Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this matter.
Infragistics version 13.2.20132.2417
In IE 11 default document mode is Edge. We can change it in DEV tools.
Thank you for the solution. We have moved to v14.1.
Thank you for the update. I have done some further looking into this matter. The Increase and decrease font size button were removed with the release of v14.1 due to incompatibility with IE11. I would also like to note that v13.2 isn’t going to receive any further service releases as you can see in the following link:
I recommend you use the font size dropdown to change the font size.
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.