Ok I have followed the directions shown here http://help.infragistics.com/doc/ASPNET/2015.1/CLR4.0
And in my tool box I have a tab for the Infragistics tools but all the controls are greyed out.
I tried to create a new toolbox tab and add the tools manually, but it shows all of the with a check mark by them indicating they are already installed
FYI: I don't know if makes any difference, but we do not have admin privileges on our dev boxes :(
Any thoughts?
Well the problem was fixed by creating a new web project and copying the web forms that where in the Website project. . the tools are still grayed out in the website project, but I will be deleting that project when I get all the forms and user controls moved to the new project so It does not matter
I'm glad you have managed to resolve your issue. Please let me know if I may be of any assistance to you.