We upgrade to Infragistics45.Web.v15.1, Version=15.1.20151.1018 today and are getting lot of errors. I am looking for the release notes to see what was changed in this release. I have seen these before but cannot located them now. Where are they?
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Could you let me know what version you were using before the upgrade?
We were using Infragistics4.Web.v14.1, Version=14.1.20141.2150 prior to upgrading to Infragistics45.Web.v15.1, Version=15.1.20151.1018. It appears the majority of our error with the upgrade are with pages the contain a WebTab.
My coworker John has already opened a ticket with a project example that shows the error. I am just trying to find the release notes of what was changed in the releases? Is this available?
When service releases and volume releases are released release notes are published in the blogs:
For the 15.1 ASP.NET release there were no release notes published though the same bugs that were addressed in the earlier volume would also have been addressed in 15.1. You could review all of the past service release notes for ASP.NET and see what is relevant between the two volumes.
Thanks. I guessed that after I found the release notes in our downloaded packages for all releases except this one. FYI - we were told our problem was introduced because WebTab.InstantiateTemplates() was removed from the OnInt in the WebTab. We have back out the IG release because this is going to be too much work to handle in our products release.
The workaround is to call InstantiateTemplates on the WebTab before you access them. This could be done in Init event of the control or the page containing the control. Does this solution work for you? If not, what issues remain when you call InstantiateTemplates?
We had so many errors and not enough time to address. By the time we were told to call this method the decision was already made to pull the IG release.
When you do decide to upgrade in the future, you will need to add a call to the InstantiateTemplates method and if there are other issues, we will be able to help you work through them.