When I updated to NucliOS 2016.1 from 2015.2, I am now getting an error when using an IGScatterSeries with an IGScatterSeriesDataSourceHelper. The application crashes and quits.
Error: IGScatterPoint does not implement copyWithZone (unrecognized selector sent to instance).
iOS Version: 10.0.1 Device:
iPhone 6+ (haven’t tried with iPad or simulator yet)
Xcode: Version 8.0 (8A218a) (latest)
The IGScatterSeriesDataSourceHelper instantiates fine. The IGScatterSeries instantiates fine, and associates to the DSH fine. The error occurs when then series is added to the chart. I couldn’t find anything in the forums related to this; is anyone else having this issue?
Also, when I downloaded 2016.1, I did so from the Service Releases tab, not the Products & Bundles tab. I don't think this makes a different, but throwing it out there.
And to reference it in Xcode, I removed the old IG.framework and IGChart.framework from the General > Linked Frameworks section and added the new ones. I also updated the Build Settings > Framework Search Paths setting to point to 2016.1.
Hello Jeff,
That sounds like an issue that is already resolved in an upcoming SR.
We will add you to the notification list for the issue so that you can be notified when it ships.