Whether your product meets the following requirements? Map TreeMap Charts (and their asynchronous rendering) Time navigator Grids Drill-Down Multiaxial Crosshair Manual drawing Zoom Ability to draw shapes or polygons Different types of charts (piechart, areachart, barchart, ...)
Hi there. Thanks for your interest in NucliOS. I'm the Product Manager for this product, so let me try and answer your requirements:
I hope this helps. Make sure to download a trial version of NucliOS to try our the controls, and also make sure to install our free NucliOS Samples Browser on your iPhone or iPad at http://bit.ly/igiossb. Let me know if you have additional questions.
Your time navigator is what we would call a ZoomBar. We have that control on other platforms (http://ko.infragistics.com/products/wpf/zoombar/) but not on iOS yet. It is on the roadmap though. I just can't communicate any dates yet.
We don't allow any kind of free canvas drawing on the data chart yet, so you won't be able to draw lines, polygons, etc on the chart surface itself. Our XAML Data Chart allows for the creation of completely new custom series (http://ko.infragistics.com/products/wpf/sample/data-chart/custom-series) and we will eventually bring this to iOS.
As for performance, our controls are used all over the enterprise across all platforms. We pride ourselves in offering rich functionality WITH high performance and high volumes of data. Our iOS controls should be faster than any other available iOS control, commercial or open source. The same goes for our Ignite UI controls compared to other HTML5 controls
The best recommendation is to try them yourself. Play with the iOS Samples Browser, download a free evaluation of the controls and test them for yourself.
Many Thanks!
And one small question...
What can be used sources of data for controls? Web services (WCF services), xls files, databases, manual filling of the code?
Unfortunately this kind of polygon drawing is not yet supported. We'll take it under consideration for a future release.
We don't have any "Gartner magic-quadrant" style chart/comparison paper. There simply aren't enough iOS vendors to justify this. We're the only enterprise-class controls vendor that provides native iOS controls, backed by 20 years of experience in this space, a staff of hundreds providing state of the art software engineering, top notch quality control, full documentation and samples and the highest rated developer support team.
I suggest you perform a quick comparison of features and you'll soon realize how NucliOS stands in a class of its own. We already support more chart types than the competition, with 18 more coming in April. We have deep and rich APIs giving you the most control over the look and feel of your charts, we support built-in symbol markers, trend lines and financial indicators, we have the best performance and can handle the highest volumes of data, and we're MUCH cheaper too.
Download the samples browser and the trial, take the controls for a spin and see for yourself. No paper or comparison can give you the answers YOU need. I stand by my statements but I invite you to see for yourself.
I should clarify on the shapes. Will I be able to paint here is a polygon?
Can you give comparison NuCLiOS with other competing products such as ShinobiControls, Microstrategy Mobile... Maybe something like the Gartner Magic Quadrant =) I'm working on something similar...