Is there a way to change a color of datapoint in column or line series?
For example I have chart that shows daily performance of a stock. I want the columns that show positive to be green and columns that show negative red?
Hello Aleksander,
Currently the chart does not support dynamically changing the color of the bar or line chart points. As for your chart, have you looked into using a Financial Price Series, most specifically the Candlestick? in that series you would have negative brush for a negative price movement and a brush for a positive price movement.
In 13.2 (to be released later this year) we will be introducing a sparkline chart which will allow for a column chart with negative and positive values colored differently.
** Addendum:
In 14.1 Infragistics introduced the ability to change the color of some series based on data. The following forum post has an example of how it can be done.