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Mixed Tab Scenario

I have a scenario which works something like this.

I need a tabbed interface where each tab has an ultragrid populated with a hierarchical dataset. The datasets and grids are identical but contain different content based on criteria.

One of the criteria will be the content of the tag in the tabs (which will be created dynamically by iterating the rows in a dataset of possible values).

Some of the criteria will come from selections in shared comboboxes on the tab/tabstrip control.

Here's the crux - I want to maintain some criteria individually on each tab in a combo box which will have an instance on all tabs but whose value is unique to a given tab.

So Criteria 1 is the tab tag, Criteria 2 and 3 are the values of two combos shared between all tabs, and Criteria 4 is the value of a combo which is present on all tabs but which has a specific and different datasource and value on each tab.

I think my first conclusion is that this has to be an UltraTabControl, not an UltraTabStripControl, because only the former supports having controls unique to specific tabs.

The only way that comes to mind is to code the creation and placement of the tabspecific controls each time a tab is created but maybe there's a functionality of the UltraTab control(s) that I've missed?

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