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Row Edit Template - Display Parent Column info


I have a multi band ultrawingrid with 2 band levels. Each of the bands have their own row edit template. I want to display a few of the parent row's columns in the child row's template. When i was trying this out with the grid being populated using an ultradatasource it worked fine.

But when i changed the data source to a bindinglist of objects, I am not able to see the parent column displayed in the child row edit template. I have no idea why this is happening.

A few things i considered but ruled out were-

1. I had to rename the child band from "band 1" to "name of the public property of my object". The child RET's bindingkey is set correctly to the new name. And the columns in question are referring to the parent band which is still "Band 0" everywhere

2. I had set the data source of the grid using the following syntax -

Me.ugVersion.SetDataBinding(Me.contentVersions, Nothing, True, True) 

where i'm setting hidenewcolumns and hidenewbands to true. I changed these to false and it still didnt work

Any help would be great! I'm at my wits end here. Does this work only when using an ultradatasource? will it not work when the grid is populated using a binding list????



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  • 12480
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    Hi Karthik,

    Most likely, this is a result of a difference in how BindingList and UltraDataSource are structured. You should be able to correct it by changing the key that the RowEditTemplate uses to refer to the parent band. You can determine what this key needs to be by putting a break point in your application anywhere after databinding is completed, inspecting your data source, and comparing the keys there to the ones used by the template.

    If you prefer, I can take a look at this for you. Are you able to send over a reproduction sample? If you can send a sample, I'll dig into it and let you know exactly what change needs to be made to get this working.
