I am applying style office2007 blue style to the application. In my usercontrol I have ultragroupboxes and within one of the ultragroupbox I am using microsoft's system.windows.forms table panel layout.Setting its backcolor to transparent.Whenever I load this usercontrol I can see lots of flickering.my guess is this is because of table panle layout. As soon as I set the backcolor setting from transparent to control flickering goes away. Is there any other solution for this ?? Have I to get rid of tabel panel layout completely or I still can use it with some solution ??
Kindly advice.
I don't know of any way around this. Transparent controls tend to flicker when big changes are made to the layout.
Can you make the labels the same color as their contained instead of making them transparent? If the background is an image, you might be able to use the same background image for the label and have it appear transparent using the ImageBackgroundOrigin.
Thanks Mike for the prompt reply.
Since I am using office 2007 blue style, can I put the blue color code in the back color of the table panel layout as a solid color ?
Can you provide me the office 2007 blue color scheme code ?
The Inbox controls don't support Office2007 colors.What I was suggested was that you update the isl file to apply the appropriate color to the Panel. You can do this as long as you place an InboxControlStyler on your form.
If you don't want to do that, then I think you can set the panel's BackColor at run-time. The Office2007 colors are not exposed by MS, but they are exposed by Infragistics.Win.Office2007ColorTable.
Yeh I can definitely pick office 2007 blue color from the color picker. But I need to put that color code for the microsoft's panel tool. How can I get that ??
I'm pretty sure that if you open up the ISL in AppStylist and go to the UltraLabel's UI Role you can choose an Office2007 color from the color picker.