I started localizing UltraWinGrid resources but in the FilterRow one nasty "Custom" refuses translation.
The Status column has a custom filter. What is the name of that text?
We are using v11.2.
Thank you
Hi Burkhard,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
I am unable to find how to add this filter to the grid. When I add a custom filter it simply displays the value I am filtering on and the filter icon. I can’t get the grid to show the “Custom” text. Please provide me with a small sample where this text is displayed and I will be glad to assist you further with this issue.
Thank you for your collaboration.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Ditimar,
thank you for your reply. Here ist the screen shot:
In this case the filter is set by code (show everything in the range and including strFilterVon-strFilterBis):
public void SetFilter(EFeldsemantik eFeldsemantik, String strFilterVon, String strFilterBis) { ColumnFilter cf = gridC.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].ColumnFilters[KeyFromSemantik(eFeldsemantik)]; cf.ClearFilterConditions(); if (!StringEx.IsNullEmptyOrSpace(strFilterVon)) cf.FilterConditions.Add(new FilterCondition(FilterComparisionOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, strFilterVon)); if (!StringEx.IsNullEmptyOrSpace(strFilterBis)) cf.FilterConditions.Add(new FilterCondition(FilterComparisionOperator.LessThanOrEqualTo, strFilterBis)); }