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Translating titles in UltraTimeLineView


In my application, I have an UltraTabControl with 3 tabs: an UltraDayView, an UltraMonthViewSingle and an UltreTimeLineView.  They all use a common UltraCalendarInfo object.  In this object, I modified the days of the week and months of the year names to have them in french.  It works fine with the UltraDayView and the UltraMonthViewSingle controls, but the UltraTimeLineView seems to ignore them although other UltraCalendarInfo elements are taken into account as expected.  Is there a special setting I have to do to make it work?  If not, is there a way around?

I am working with the UltraTimeLineView of the WinForms library v14.2.

Thank you

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    Hello Real,

    The easiest way to make all the week day and month names to show in French, or any other language, is to set the CurentCulture and CurentUICulture of your application to French CultureInfo. To do so add these two rows in the very beginning of your application’s Main method:

    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");

    You may check this article in MSDN for additional information “How to: Set the Culture and UI Culture for Windows Forms Globalization”. I am not sure what you have changed in your UltraCalendarInfo, but this should be enough to force your application to show each localizable string in French.

    If you need to change the way strings are shown in UltraTimeLineView header you may set HeaderTextFormat like this:

    this.ultraTimelineView1.PrimaryInterval.HeaderTextFormat = "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy";

    Attached is a small sample project showing how to localize you application.

    Please check my sample and let me know if you have any additional questions.