I'm trying to display on a messagebox a particular cell that the user chooses from. I currently have it with fixed values.
var cell = grdSubfamilias.DisplayLayout.Rows[0].Cells["ClassID"].Value;
MessageBox.Show(""+ cell);
That code will always display a fixed value from a cell. What I would like the code to do is display the value depending on what cell the user double clicked.
Hello William,
To determine the cell user was clicked on you may use ElementFromPoint method of UIElement class. Please follow the next link to our online knowledge base where is shown how to get the cell of the UltraGrid where the user has clicked “HOWTO:UltraWinGrid Mouse Position and Cell Identification” and let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thanks for the help. Is this the only way to do this? I'm on an ERP environment and have few options available.