It looks like there is a bug in the chart title top behavior. See this picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/8w1sto0myx0gxhc/ChartTitle.png
When in design more, the title displays correctly, in run-time it slides over the chart itself.
How can I set the chart title bounding box border color and the background color?
Hello Mitja,
Yes, you are correct. When you are using composite chart the title overlaps the chart area. What you can do is set the chart area bounds Y to be greater than 0. Attached is a small sample showing how you can achieve this.
Regarding title border and background color there is no property or method of the chart allowing you to set these properties. What you can do is handle FillSceneGraph event and draw your own box primitive around the chart title. Check the attached sample where I have implemented this.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Thank you, that seemed to work.
But it looks like the legend has some issues as well with composite chart. I can see it in Design mode, but at run-time is gone.
In your sample, just set chart.Legend.Visible = true in Properties window, then run the sample, legend is nowhere to be seen.
Can you please check.