I try to run the sample, how WinPivotGrid is working, but data are not loaded in grid.
Are there any network settings which could be the problem, why the binding is not working?(I did'nt get any exception)
Is there a short description how to bind with a cube from AnalisysServices? How can I find the problem if it is not working?
( I use Infragistics WinFrom v.15.1)
Since the UltraPivotGrid demo sample requires connection to external dedicated Infragistics server, the most obviously issue would be that you cannot connect to it. In order to check it out, I installed the 15.1 sample’s version and I was able to connect to the server. Its URL is http://sampledata.infragistics.com/olap/msmdpump.dll and in order to verify that you have a decent connection to that server, just open http://sampledata.infragistics.com in new browser tab and let me know if the default IIS7 page is displayed to you as this:
Confirm. I can access IIS7.
There is a demo for PivotGridBindingToAdomd.
We made a connection using the package :Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Connection string can be reused in WinPivotGrid or WinPivotGrid needs Http connection?
We do not want to open HTTP connection on our Analysis Service server.
Is there any other possibility to use WinPivotGrid in other way than open HTTP connection to analysis service server?
Thank you. It is working now.
That is great! Furthermore, I simplified the sample PivotGridDemo. It successfully loads the data on my side. Let me know how it behaves on your side and if any error occurs. Please be patient when the data is loading. On my side it takes a few seconds, however this time would depend on your internet connection. You can download the sample on the bottom of my answer.
Looking forward to hear from you.