Hi ,
I have a toolbar populated with many label items and i need to customize their look and feel
i need to change some lables fonts, so that they appear as header captions and others with default font
i went through the properties and if i change the properties of any one tool item on the toolbar it is getting applied to all items
how do i avoid this and let the properties change for only one item on the toolbar and retain the default settings for other items
I'm not sure why the appearances are getting applied to all tools, unless they are all instances of the same tool. If so, try setting the InstanceProps.AppearancesSmall on each tool instead of the SharedProps' appearances. If not, it could be a bug. Which properties are you setting on the tools?
I did exactly as u said by changing the small/Large Appeareances and not the shared props, but the results are the same .
i have an ultratoolBarManager and toolbar created out of it.
i need to change the font properties[Font Data] of the first label item on the toolbar -> under that most importantly SizeInPoints -> It either
applies to all the tool items [increases the font size of all items] on the tool bar or has no effect at all. Can u please check this out !
I also had the [show as Text always] property checked to true. I dont know what other properties of toolbar are preventing the chane in font size
behaviour to occur.