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Excel Workblook.Load() takes a very long time

I've seen many posts about Excel.Workbook.Load() taking a long time. We're using 2015.1. Have there been any improvements in this area in more recent versions?


1. We need to open a workbook and get the list of worksheets. This can take anywhere from 90 seconds to 15 minutes, depending on how many rows are in the spreadsheet.

2. We need to open a specific sheet and examine the first and second row to get column headers. 

3. In general, opening the file using Workbook.Load() takes far longer than just opening the file in Excel directly. Has this been optimized in new releases?


  • 12480
    Offline posted


    1) This could simply be due to the amount of data being loaded, although the times listed seem too long for normal use cases. Are there any sheets that load quickly? How much data is in each sheet? If you can provide the sheets to me, we can look into why they might be taking so long to load.

    2) Are you running into any issues when attempting to do this? Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist with this item.

    3) The reason it opens more quickly in Excel is actually due to optimizations in Excel that don't necessarily make sense for our library. Excel is able to load a small portion of the data and display it immediately while loading the rest, whereas our library needs to load everything before finishing since developers would expect everything to be there when beginning operations on the worksheet.

    I can confirm that we have made changes to the Excel engine that may improve the performance in your application. My recommendation is to download the 2017.2 trial version and compare load times between the two versions to see whether these changes impact you.

    If you find that the load time is still unacceptable in the latest version, please send me the Excel sheet and we can figure out what is causing it to take so long to load as well as recommend actions you can take to improve it. If you would prefer not to upload this to the public forum, let me know and I'll open a private case to receive it.

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