Is there a way of highlighting the text in the cell ? I do not want to set the backcolor property of the cell itself but I just want to highlight the cell's contents
This is text
Set the Style of the column to FormattedText. Then you can format the text in the cell using the XML formatting that the UltraFormattedTextEditor control uses. So you could set the Value of a cell like so to acheive what you have above:
<span style="background-color:Yellow;">This is text</span>
If the grid is databound then the formatting XML will be written to the database after save !!
Is there a way to do the highlight without modifying the text in the cell.
There are a couple of ways you could do this. They are both essentially just different methods of doing the same thing.
1) Use a DataFilter. This would allow to handle the EditorToDisplay and DisplayToEditor transitions so you could add and remove the formatting respectively.
2) Hide the real bound column in the grid and add an unbound column. Then you can use InitializeRow to read the value of the "real" column and format it and put it into the hidden, formatted column. Then you would use BeforeRowUpdate to reverse this process and unformat the data and set the value of the real column.