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Loading a saved layout with a formula column as a group by column...

I attached a picture of what happens when I load a saved XML layout which has a formula column as a group by column.  As you can see the column "Short Rating" has values but every single row is grouped under one category which has a value of null.  Is this a bug or is there a way around this?

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

     Sounds like a bug to me. My guess is that when you load the layout, the grouping is occurring before the values are calculated. 

    You should  Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support

    You might be able to work around this by calling the Recalc method on the UltraCalcManager component to force all calculations to be preformed synchronously, and then call Refresh on the grid.DisplayLayout.Band.SortedColumns collection to refresh the groupings. 

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