It is possible to have solid and dashed lines on a chart?
If so, are there any examples?
I would like to have actual years as solid and budget versions as dashed lines. There could be several years and several budgets for each year on the chart.
The line style can be controlled through the LineAppearances property, which is a collection of LineAppearance objects. Here's a link with an example for a LineChart with 3 rows of data:
Is this done the same way in composite charts? I have a composite chart that requires a dashed and solid line (on top of stacked columns), but I've noticed that a lot of the standard techniques don't apply to composite charting.
The same approach does work with composite charts. You can create a new LineChartAppearance object, which will have LineAppearances collection, then assign the LineChartAppearance to the line layer's ChartTypeAppearance property. Alternatively, you can use a separate line layer for each line and set the draw style on the layer.
You can adjust the padding on the axis, but only if the Labels.Layout.Behavior is not set to none:axis.Labels.Layout.Padding = 10
Otherwise, you would have to append a tab character to the ItemFormatString property at run time or use IRenderLabel to pad your labels.
Thank you Max, that did it. One more question, off the main topic. The numbers marking my y-axis are bunched up very tightly against the line. Is there any way to put some space in between the numbers and the axis?