I need to set a value in a summary field of a column, cause i can not use any of the summaries types (Sum, Average...) I need a kind of average but if the cell contains a zero I need to omit this value and at the moment of the division not count this cell to get the average, I tryed to use the UltraCalcManager; if I run the application at the moment that the grid is fulled by data it throws an exception in the program class even If I have not used a formula, if I remove the UltraCalcManager the Exception does not appear.
how can I do this whit or whitout the UltraCalcManager??
Obviously, you should not be getting an exception just from placing an UltraCalcManager on the form. What's the exception?
The exception I get when I run my application and I fill the grid whit data is a NullReferenceException, but the exception is not in the form who contains the UltraCalcManager, when I fill the ultraGrid immediately the form is closed and the next code line the application try to read is this:"Application.Run(new frmPrincipal());" this code line is in the Program class, I don't know why it is jumping to this line in the program, if I chance the property calfrecuency of the Ultracalmanager; to Manual, the Exception does not appear but in the summary field appears next "Summary=". It does not calculate anything
You can create a summary of type custom and write a routine to treat the data however you wish.